dimecres, 30 de setembre del 2009

Starting a new life...

This is my first post, so I don't know what this blog is gonna be about yet. I'll try to write as much as I can (when I have something interesting to talk about).

Well, as I've just started uni, I think I found something to write about. The thing is that I'm not sure if I truly want to study Translation, cause I started it by process of elimination, I didn't like the other degrees and I thought this one could be interesting... But now that I've started, I can tell there are so many people really good at languages and so interested in translation that make me feel insecure about myself. I mean, I do like languages, but I don't think I so good at them and I'm not sure if I want to work as a translator (reviser or whatever)... I have a feeling that I haven't found my way in life, I feel like I'm wandering around with no target. I think many people are just as lost as I am, but I would love to know what to do with my life... Well, those were my first impressions about the classes, I like them, I just don't love them.