dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2009


Yesterday, I remembered something that made me think. You know, sometimes someone says something to you and those words kind of thouch you and you remember them forever.
Well, I have a friend who once told me that curiosity is what keeps people alive, that people who do not feel curious about anything are empty inside. Life would be sad without it, with nothing that makes you want to keep living, she said. Sometimes these words come to my mind and I check my life (mentally) to see if I'm interested in something or not, just in case. In my life I have been interested (and by interested I mean that I felt motivated) in lots of things. And it is not that I can't find a reason to live any more or anything like that but I feel as if there was something missing, there is not anything that catches my attention in any special way and the more I think about it, the more worried I get about all this stuff. Where is my motivation?
Maybe it is because I have to decide what to do in my future, and I honestly have no idea or maybe it is because I'm going through a weird stage of life, meeting new people and missing the old ones. It does not mean that I'm not enjoying this period, cause I certainly am, but I feel completely lost. Once I felt that I really had found my way in life and I feel as if I had stopped for a while to enjoy the views and when I came back to the track, it was not there any more, it had vanished. I know I will not be able to find it again, so I am trying to find another one, but I have a feeling this time is going to be tougher, somehow I can tell. Maybe the other one was just a mirage, who knows.
I am sick of being worried about this stuff but I can't help it. It's as if my mind needed to know where I'm going next to keep working. This time, I do not know which one is the next step to take and there is no curiosity around me. What the fuck is going on?

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