dimecres, 9 de desembre del 2009

Watching injustices

There are some people who just enjoy annoying other people. Honestly, like when your mum says, 'make your bed!' and you think, 'what business is it of yours?'. And she says I am your mum, I must teach you good manners and blah blah blah. That is a minor thing, but these things start to get annoying when they harm people, like the Catholic Church does.
They are bitter people, always complaining about what other people do. I believe they should live their life as they want, but leave the other people alone! How can they be against divorce or the use of condoms? If they think that is wrong, then do not do it, but do not tell us what to do and what to think. Besides, the reason they give to be against all these things is that they are 'unnatural'. Yeah, the same people who shut themselves into monasteries and who force themselves not to have sex (this part allows discussion) dare to say what is natural and what is not. And then they talk about family life (when they do not know what a family is) and are against abortion and preservatives, hurting thousands of people who are in difficult situations.
These people must enjoy annoying other people, because I do not get it otherwise. And well, Catholic Church believes all these things (although they make no sense) and their henchmen follow them and this is the story of how to manipulate an entire society and nobody condemns it. And everybody else looks favorably upon them... Upon the same people who support the idea of not using preservatives in Africa, where most of the population suffer from sexually transmitted diseases. Tradition is not always good, and it is time for us to distinguish between fair and unfair.

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