dimarts, 29 de desembre del 2009

Short story

-It's getting late. I have to go.
-Say you want to, you do not have to. Can't you see there are more things in life?
-More important than our rights? I do not think so.
-I'm just saying we can be happy without the Party, there are many things that matter: a sunset, a smile, a conversation, the rain, a kiss, the stars. Do not all these things mean anything to you?
-You are getting all wrong, honey. Those things you say are what They want you to focus on to make you feel free but we all are slaves of the system.
-Ok, honey, I do think there are some things that we must change but life is not only politics, and if you get obsessed with them, you will never be satisfied with what you have, which is the clue for a happy existence.
-And that is exactly what I want, my point is to be happy as well but if we do not do anything to change what we think is wrong, we will never be able to be happy.
-Come on, do not be hypocrite. You just say that cause you do not want to feel guilty. Or are you telling me that while you get drunk, date someone or travel around you are fighting for our rights?
-At least I feel guilty if I do nothing, not like you.
-That does not make you a better person, do you realise? You only help other people because of your fear of feeling guilty and that is selfish in another way. Do not fool yourself.
-The same to you.

And they kept walking under the moonlight, without knowing what to do to set themselves free.

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