dijous, 24 de desembre del 2009

Time to change

Today it's Christmas Eve. How nice. Everyone around the table eating a lot and pretending a lot too. Beautiful. But well, I do not want to talk about that, I want to talk about our dear king, Juan Carlos. Well, about monarchy in general. I watched his Merry Xmas message on TV. Yeah, he talked a lot actually, I listened to the whole message but I didn't get anything. Lots of talking and no meaning. I heard economical difficulty, army's great efforts, fight against terrorism, train of progress, new decade, democracy, development, but I didn't understand anything. Honestly, a five year-old with a dictionary could prepare his speech. (I'm sure that the boy would be able to vocalise better than him as well).
Anyway, what he says doesn't really matter, he is our king, you know, and nothing would be possible without him. Everyone is just so pleased about giving the royal family money. Buying ecological food is wasting money, not that.
What did he do to become our king? It was... yeah, he did do something, can't remember now... oh no, wait, I got it, it was licking Franco's ass!
Monarchy has always been unfair, it is based on inequality but Spanish monarchy is the most pathetic one. It all started when our dear king killed his brother to become the successor (his brother was far more clever than him and his father liked him better). Many years later, he became Franco's friend when he saw that Franco would probably found a monarchy system after his death. But despite this, he is a great person, he saved us from Tejero's coup. And that is why we love him so much. Royal family means tradition, we can't just kick them out from the country, can we? What would they do?
Come on, don't you think it's time to change yet?

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