dimarts, 2 de març del 2010

Do you really want to be elle?

Its title says it all. Elle. She. How a woman must be. Yes, I am talking about the magazine Elle.
Today, I was at my friend's place, I had never been there before, so I was taking a look at the things in her room, it was more or less like I expected it to be, a piano, heaps of books, some pictures... but then something caught my attention. She had some issues of the magazine Elle, something that I did not expect to be there at all. Now don't take me wrong, I'm not going to like her any less just because she reads the magazine (that is what she thought when I told her I was surprised to see that magazine in her room), but it's just that this magazine is horrible. I do not mean horrible because it's a fashion magazine, but because of what it represents. It's a magazine full of stereotypes, it does not only tell you what to wear, but how to be. Its articles (its few articles) are written by women all stressed out by the way they look, their biggest worries are how to make a pumpkin salad or how to have a successful career and be a mother at the same time. The vision of women it gives disgusts me. Always worried about the looks, about make-up, about children, about how their relationship could work out, about high heels and glamour and not about herselves.
Have you ever thought of the word "model"? It means something to be imitated, perfection. I do not think those sad skinny girls are to be imitated. I do not want to be like them, have you ever seen a model's face when he or she is walking down the catwalk? They do not seem happy at all, no wonder why, most of them suffer from eating disorders, nothing to be proud of. It's a sad job.
When I saw the magazine at my friend's place, I didn't feel disappointed, I felt pity, cause if she bought it, it means she cares, and if she cares, it means she feels identified with the magazine content. It makes me feel sad, I can't help it, I don't want my friends to be worried about this kind of stuff, it scares me!

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