dissabte, 3 d’abril del 2010

Movie time!

I have never understood Easter, I do not know what it is for but holidays are always welcome. It is the time of the year when everyone has so many things to do and nobody does anything. At least, that is what happens to me. When Easter is over, I always think of what I have done, and I always know it is nothing. No sport, no work, no reading, no party, no movies, no travelling, no nothing. And every time Easter approaches, I make a list of 'what to do' stuff, just like at the beginning of the year, and I am never able to carry my plans out.
So far, I think I have done way more stuff than any time before: I went to the cinema (I never find the time to go), I played tennis (it was like more than 2 years since I played for the last time), I am writing on my blog (that is work) and hopefully, we'll have a party at my place (this will be happening if my parents are not here).
Well, as I have nothing to tell, I will talk about the movies I watched these days: The Ghost Writer, The Constant Gardener and Boys don't cry.
The Ghost Writer (El escritor) is a thriller which tells the story of man who starts working as the Prime Minister's ghost writer. His predecessor died in a very unusual way, he drowned and was found on the shore. The ghost writer finds it very weird and starts investigating about it. He discovers that the Prime Minister had been hiding some irregular stuff and the ghost writer knew it, and that is why he made the previous ghost writer disappear. When the current ghost writer finds everything out, the Prime Minister realises that he is danger, so he makes his henchmen follow the ghost writer and kill him.
The Constant Gardener (El jardinero fiel) is a drama movie. Justin and Tessa meet at a conference in Kenya and start a relationship. He works for the Brithish embassy and she is an important activist who fights against the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical companies violate human rights by testing their new products on sick people. Tessa reports these crimes and wants them to stop. As she is a pain in the ass, the companies decide to make her disappear and kill her in a car 'accident'. Justin suspects that it was not an accident and starts investigating. He discovers that Tessa had found out really creepy stuff about the companies and that is why they wanted to kill her. He goes to the place where she died and shoots himself. (I was reading this and it looks like the movie doesn't make a lot of sense, but it does, I just can't express myself.)
Boys don't cry (Los chicos no lloran) is a drama movie based on a true story (this creeps me out). Teena Brandon wants to be a man, but has female genitals. He (I am going to talk about him as a man) lives at his cousin's in Lincoln cause his parents want him to take an hormone treatment to 'cure' him. He always gets in trouble to look tougher and he is due to go to court. One day, he meets some people who treat him right and starts kind of living with them for some days. They have very dysfunctional families and drink a lot. However, Brandon finds it comfortable there and stays with them. There, he meets Lana and falls in love with her. They start making out and Lana starts suspecting he is not a man and tells him it is all right, that she loves him anyway. The other guys (one of them was in love with Lana) start suspecting the same and they humiliate him and take his clothes off to see what he actually is. They see he is got female genitals and they hit him and rape him. Brandon is afraid of them and he doesn't want to tell anyone what they did to him, so he comes back to Lana's place to go away with her. When the guys go to see Lana, they think that Brandon is there and they look for him. The guy that was in love with Lana shoots him.
Well, that's enough for today, here you have them, I specially recommend Boys don't Cry and the Constant Gardener, if u want to know my opinion.

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