dilluns, 22 de març del 2010


Not many things to tell, as usual, but I found something to write about and I'd better not postpone it cause I know I'll get lazy later on.
Last week it was Magdalena, our local holidays. I just love them, the town changes completely, heaps of people on the streets any time of the day, lots of things to do. I love it cause Cs is pretty boring during the year, every Saturday looks the same and it feels like monotony has taken the town and the people. That is why during Magdalena people get crazy and become different and friendlier for a week.
Well, I was not in Cs the whole week, I was here just for the weekends, which are pretty much the best days of Magdalena. The rest of the time I went to Genoa to visit my brother (he is there on an Erasmus scholarship) and I loved it! I think it was not because the city was so nice, but because I saw what Erasmus life is like. I stayed at my brother's place with him and his flatmates (three Spanish girls) and some friends of his flatmates (six people) and my parents stayed in a hostel. We went to see the city, which I found beautiful and very singular. It is a very uneven place, the town is built like between a mountain and the sea, so it is full of stairs and alleys that lead you to the most unexpected places. Besides, it was the best time for us to go to a city, visiting it when you have someone who has explored it before to show you around! We were in Genoa for two days, then we went to Cinque Terre (five lovely villages by the sea), Portofino (that would be our Benidorm but without apartments, just little houses by the sea and painted in different and cheerful colours) and Milan (which was a brief visit cause we had to arrive at the hostel quite soon in the afternoon).
I was feeling sick for those days (I always get sick when I spend many days going out) so I stayed at home for a whole day. My brother was like really nice to me while I was there, we usually get on, but I was surprised to see how he took care of me while I was sick. We had some interesting chats about the experience of living abroad, our lives in general and my parents and it was a long time since I had talked to him like that, so easily cause we understand each other, because when he was here we didn't talk so much about this kind of stuff.
Well, going back to Genoa, I got to know my brother's flatmates and they were just so nice! They were studying (well, they enrolled on some classes) different things and doing random stuff during the day. As they are Erasmus students, they do not have many hours of classes, so they have lots of time to travel, party or do whatever they want. Every night, my brother's friends got together at my brother's place and sat there just talking or drinking (if they were going to go out). I left Genoa feeling like going out with them, besides, they were saying all the time: "you can't leave Genoa without going out with us, come back!" and you know, I really wanted to, I wanted to know what an Erasmus party feels like on my very person, cause somehow, I felt that that city had caught me in some way.
Maybe it was because I am looking forward to my Erasmus year or because I am willing to live on my own and have a little of independence from my parents, I don't know, but what I know is that when I'm on my Erasmus year, I'll make the most of it!

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