dimecres, 28 d’octubre del 2009


Yesterday something that made me think happened. It all started when I was talking about a TV show with some friends. We were talking about how good-looking and hot we thought the actors were. During the conversation, I realised that most of my friends have stupid complexes related to appearance, one of them almost burst into tears! I was so shocked, I didn't even know what to say! She is completely normal, in fact, I'd say she is hot!
I don't know why people are so obsessed with appearances, I mean, to take care of yourself is a good thing, but that was a bit over the top, especially cause she is not fat at all! Everyone should know that being 1.70 tall and weighing 50 kg is not healthy. Fuck the beauty standard! You have to learn to be happy the way you are and you have to love yourself, cause if you don't, who will? You know, complexes are all in your head and it's up to you if you want to live happily or to be always worried about the way you look. Come on, live is to be lived, there's no time to feel upset about this.

dijous, 15 d’octubre del 2009

Things I'll never say

This has been going round and round in my head for a really long time. AFS was right, the experience was more about getting to know another culture than just learning another language.
While I was in NZ, I used to stay up until 11pm cause I couldn't sleep. By then, my dad was the only person awake in the house, and we used watch TV and talk until I decided it was getting late (he'd never go to sleep before midnight). Most of the times we didn't talk about anything important, but sometimes the conversation turned out to be really interesting.
Now that I'm here, I remember those little chats with affection. He was a person who I secretly admire and I deeply regret not having told him. His way of thinking was so different to mine that I didn't understand it at all (at the beginning): he chose to live on a farm, to raise his kids in town, to marry his first girlfriend... Things I'd never do.
But little by little, I started to know my family and their way of thinking and eventhough sometimes I didn't agree with them, I started to understand them. And I started to love them. I loved the way they were happy if it was sunny, or the way they had fun watching the fireworks, or feeding the calves, or having a barbecue. As simple as this.
And now that I'm here, I regret not having shown them how important they were to me, I wonder why I didn't tell them all this stuff, I guess I didn't realise until some months ago. Anyway, these are things I'll never say.

dijous, 8 d’octubre del 2009

What does family mean?

I think I don't understand people. When I say I do not like my family, everyone goes: 'Come on, how can you not like your family? They are your family!'. So what? Just because they are my family it doesn't mean I have to love them, I mean, I didn't choose them!
I think familiar relationships are overestimated. They say your parents are someone you can always rely on, someone who will always be there in bad times. I wish this was like this, it would be great to have somebody to trust any time, but real life is not like this. At least, mine.
I don't think having a good relationship with your family is such an important thing. As you didn't choose them, it's only a matter of luck, whether you like them or not. The curious thing is every time I have talked about this (even if talking with people who don't get on with their families), they all say family is important and they love theirs. And I really don't understand it, if you don't like some people, why should you pretend you love them, just because you are relatives? It doesn't make sense to me.