dijous, 19 de novembre del 2009


People say that the first impression is the most important one but this is not true at all. It happens to me constantly, you meet a person and you think that person and I will not get on, he or she looks so arrogant... And then you start to know them and find out that he or she is actually really nice! Well, it can happen the other way around too, you think they are really nice and they happen to be two-faced (I just learned this word :D)...
If you think about it, most of the time, people (and I'm including myself) judge other people just by their looks. Is there anything more stupid? We know that appearances tell nothing about a person but we still think- look at that guy there, the one wearing his pants so high, WHY is he wearing those pants? Doesn't he have a mirror? Doesn't he have friends who tell him that is ugly?? He must be a nerd with no friends-, and there it is, prejudice! The thing changes when we know the other person, though. Sometimes we find out that he's not what we thought but, why do we always have to talk without knowing? People (including myself again) tend to talk about everything, no matter what the conversation is all about, let's say we talk about technology development in Australia and we don't know anything about the subject, everyone will take part in the conversation anyway.
It's better to shut up than to talk without knowing, because that's when we realise that a person is an ignorant. As the saying goes, it's better to keep your mouth shut and look stupid than to open it and confirm it.
Well, what I just wanted to say is that sometimes we judge other people without knowing anything about them and that's a mistake, cause we wouldn't like other people talking about us the same way, so giving it a second thought is worth it. Prejudices never mean anything good, so try to make an effort and forget them!

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