divendres, 13 de novembre del 2009

Junk TV

I was hoping for some inspiration to write a new post, and I just found it! It's not a fascinating subject, but hey, at least I know what to write about.
I usually don't watch TV cause programmes bore me, but yesterday, while we were having dinner, my mum was watching one of those horrible gossip programmes about famous people who had sex with (apparently) everyone on stage and felt the need to tell the world they had been sleeping with all those people. I was complaining but as we were having dinner, we all had to watch that shit.
And that's when I started thinking about the sad lives all those people must have, they need to go there to talk about their nasty private lives to feel important... But what really worries me is that those programmes always have the highest audience! How sad is that? I don't know if you (who am I talking to?) have ever watched one of those shows but they are awful, there's nothing worse than sitting in front of the TV watching some retarded people insulting each other. Usually, watching TV is a waste of time but in this case, it becomes a lot worse, that is throwing your life away hearing how some jerks yell at each other to get some attention. I don't know how people can enjoy that! Besides, what they say is not even interesting and, if arguing in the real life is unpleasant, watching all those people shouting is disgusting.
TV is supposed to be the society's reflection, and if this kind of television is our reflection, we are in big trouble.

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