dilluns, 2 de novembre del 2009


Well, I do not really have anything interesting to talk about, but I have to write more than 4,000 words before January and I don't want to get all stressed out the week before, so here I am.
Last Friday it was my friend's birthday, so he organised a party at his premises. It had been so long since I hadn't been with all of my friends together (as we are studying different things, we don't get to see each other so much), so it was great. We were dressed up as the 80s and we spent there the whole night.
You know, the great thing about parties is not the party itself, it is that if you are feeling down, it makes you feel better and if you were already feeling good, you become euphoric! That's why when you are not going through the best moment of your life, you have to make an effort and smile, because life is made of details, little things that make it easier.
(I was just thinking I must sound like a psychiatrist or something like that, always talking about life and this kind of stuff... it's just that when I don't have anything to talk about, these things come to my mind).

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